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 From   To   Subject   Date/Time 
Message   NecroBOT    All   Join piNET   June 24, 2019
 10:56 AM *  

From: NecroBOT@f122.n1.z21.fsxnet (NecroBOT)

          _____  __
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      /   /   \  / NET
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piNET is a fidonet style network dedicated to the Raspberry Pi. piNET is a
brand new network so all are welcome to join.

For more info yoy may telnet to Necronomicon BBS: or on port 23.

Application is easy, just fill out this short form, rename it to your BBSID
and email it to Or you can send it  in feedback to
Necromaster on Necronomicon BBS.

........Real Name:
.........BBS Name:
.....BBS Software:
..BBS Telnet/Port:
....Email Address:
....BinkD Address:
.......BinkD Port:

(All passwords for Areafix/TIC/Session will be the same and must be  all
capital letters!)

Packer (ZIP ONLY)
MD5 On or Off? [ ] on [ ] off


Thank you for applying, You should get a response back within a couple of
hours after submitting your application.

--- NewsGate v1.0 gamma 2
 * Origin: News Gate @ Net396 -Huntsville, AL - USA (1:396/4)
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