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   Networked Database  Guitar/Bass Guitar Topics   [45 / 61] RSS
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Message   Nigel Reed    Roger Nelson   Re: Guitar cover   November 22, 2018
 11:18 PM *  

Roger wrote:
R> On Thu Nov-22-2018 02:23, Nigel Reed (1:124/5016) wrote to Roger Nelson:
 NR>> Very nice Roger. Is that your video? What would be really nice is
 NR>> showing which strings are being picked on the chord box. Doesn't
 NR>> look too bad to figure out tho.
R> No, it isn't me.  I no longer own a guitar.  That is something I got off of
R> Youtube and thought I'd spice things up here a bit by posting it.
R> The one below is my favorite (if I still had callouses):

I really don't like that song. Thanks tho.
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 * Origin: End Of The Line BBS - (1:124/5016)
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